Mental Health & Wellness

It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Program Details

Mental illness: Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. These words have shame and an enormous stigma attached to them. Although there is progress in the mental health field, it isn’t happening fast enough for mental illness sufferers. Often people don’t feel comfortable saying, “I need help” or “I’m really not okay.” In this program, Archie Messersmith-Bunting details his own mental health struggles and reminds attendees “it’s okay not to be okay.” He encourages attendees to take personal action: tell someone and talk about your feelings. This is the beginning of true healing and happiness.


Participants learn how to identify signs their co-worker, family member, or peer may be struggling and how to connect them to support resources. They will also discover action steps to encourage help-seeking while avoiding the less-than-helpful things many say to those struggling with depression.

Learning Outcomes


Review the most commonly diagnosed mental health issues today and learn their symptoms.


Identify non-verbal signs that a co-worker might need support.


Evaluate their own self-care plan and brainstorm ways it could be improved.


Are empowered to engage in help-seeking behavior.

Interested in booking a program?

Archie offers both virtual and in-person seminars.